Sylvie 9th February 2017

One thing we shared in common. Was the same person who would badmouth me to my face-also badmouthed you. That person was Karen. She didn't want to take you under her wing. Because she didn't have wings to shelter you with. Because she was unable to give me the love I needed. As she was to busy on comparing me to the mother she didn't have around anymore. To show her how to bond with her first child. When Karen was never around, and we had children of our own. The few times I caught up with you. You were happy in my company. I wish Id kept that contact up with you. I think we could have been a great support for each other. It isn't your family's fault or your fault. Over the sad life you led. The same people who kept your family from you also kept your children from your family and you. Love you always~.